Adult Ministries

Bible Study
Bible Study

Sundays at 9:45 AM
We offer women’s, men’s and coed classes for adults of all ages.

Weekday Women’s and Men’s Bible Study
Throughout the year we offer men’s and women’s Bible studies that meet in homes or at the church. Please reach out to the church office for times and places of meetings.

Choir and Orchestra
Choir and Orchestra

Choir sings in both morning services and meets for rehearsal at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays.

Orchestra performs for musicals and occasionally in worship service, rehearsing at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays when needed. Interested in Choir/Orchestra? Connect with our Music Director, Troy McKay at

Women on Mission (WOM)
Women on Mission (WOM)

Women on Mission (WOM) gathers the women of the church for the purpose of supporting the missionary endeavors of the church. WOM also seeks to educate the church regarding the support of missions. WOM provides for the mission education of the girls of the church (GA’s).


Mission Trips
Mission Trips

We are passionate about the Great Commission, supporting missionaries and reaching people with the good news of Jesus locally, across the United States, and globally.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding our adult ministries, please fill out the Contact Us survey. Our staff will reach out to you promptly.

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